Python Quiz

Test Your Skills in Python

The Python quiz will benefit developers to become more familiar with Python. The python quizzes are topic-specific. The practice quiz cover Python basics to data structures. So Practice and test your Python concepts using our Python test questions.

What is included in these Python Quiz?

Multiple Python free quiz. Each test covers a specific Python topic and has around 12-15 questions. All tests tested on Python 3. When you complete each test, you will have a better understanding of Python.

These online Python tests are nothing but multiple-choice questions and answers to understand concepts. If you are a beginner, you will better understand Python concepts after solving these tests. 

  • Below is the list of Python quizzes.

  • Select the mock test you want to solve.

Basic Python Quiz for Beginners

This Quiz is for beginners who are new to Python. The Quiz focuses on testing your necessary skills on Python operators, variables, functions, string, functions, and lists questions.

Total No. of Questions: 18

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Variables and Data Types Quiz

This Python Variables and Data Types Quiz provide questions to get familiar with different data types and variable scope, assignment and casting.

Total No. of Questions: 13

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Operators and Expressions Quiz

This Python Operators and Expression Quiz help you to improve your understanding of operators, operator precedence, and operator associativity.

Total No. of Questions: 15

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Quiz Input & Output Quiz

This Python I/O Quiz provides MCQs to get familiar with built-in functions print() and input() to perform input and output tasks in Python. Also, we will test file handling knowledge.

Total No. of Questions: 18

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Functions Quiz

This Python Functions Quiz helps you to get familiar with how to create a function, nested functions, and use the function arguments effectively.

Total No. of Questions: 13

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python If Else and Loops Quiz

This Python Flow Control Quiz helps you to get familiar with the if-else statement, for loop, and while loop and improve the understanding of branching and Looping techniques.

Total No. of Questions: 15

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Numbers Quiz

This Python Numbers quiz helps you to get familiar with different Python numeric data types (int, float, complex) and their functions. Math functions

Total No. of Questions: 18

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python String Quiz

This Python String quiz helps you to get familiar with Python String. This online quiz focuses on testing your skills on Python String usage and manipulation.

Total No. of Questions: 13

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python List Quiz

This Python list quiz helps you to get familiar with the Python list. This online quiz focuses on testing your skills on Python list operations and manipulation.

Total No. of Questions: 15

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Dictionary Quiz

This Python dictionary quiz helps you to get familiar with the Python dictionary. This online quiz focuses on testing your skills in Python dictionary operations and manipulation.

Total No. of Questions: 18

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Set Quiz

This Python set quiz helps you to get familiar with the Python set. This online quiz focuses on testing your skills in Python set operations and manipulation.

Total No. of Questions: 13

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Tuple Quiz

This Python tuple quiz helps you to get familiar with the Python tuple. This online quiz focuses on testing your skills in Python tuple operations.

Total No. of Questions: 15

Duration: 20 Minutes

Python Random Data Generation Quiz

This Quiz focuses on testing your knowledge on the random module, Secrets module, and UUID module. The Quiz covers almost all random module and secrets module functions.

Total No. of Questions: 18

Duration: 20 Minutes